So I decided to start a blog. I don't know if anyone will read it, but I have a lot of things on my mind (namely recipes) that I just have to get out. I hope cyberspace will enjoy what I have to say. And if not, I hope it is a gracious audience, allowing me to wax poetically on all subjects gluten-free.
I've been steeping this idea of sharing my successes (and failures) in cooking and baking with my Gluten-challenged friends in order to help ease the stress and confusion of the radical alteration in lifestyle and diet brought about by Celiac Disease and various other offenders. It was a difficult road when I first needed to eat gluten-free, full of botched biscuit attempts and unpalatable pizza mixes. I was determined to enjoy the fullness of life and food again, and I set out on an expedition to seek out new and better recipes and resources. I eventually found myself helping a local gluten-free bakery research and develop new recipes. A passion began to grow in me, always thinking of how this recipe could taste better, or how that recipe could be altered into a new, exciting creation. People began asking me for recipes. ME, a girl who couldn't scramble an egg growing up. I am now determined to save others the trouble, time and money of frustrating experimentations that lead to a flavorless existence.
I hope to point you all in the direction of the "wicket gate" of the gluten-free life. Stay tuned.
Eat well and prosper!